Experience the Mustang Magic
Thank you for your interest in visiting the Sanctuary in 2025. Call us at 605-745-5955 for scheduling a tour out to see the mustang herds in an SUV with a Private Guide or in our feed truck out to feed the different mustang herds. Tour's only available Monday- Friday at 9 am $350 plus tax per person.
Reservations for 2025 tours will be accepted starting January 2025 for tours beginning in May 2025.
Check with the office for pricing information.
The visitor in the SUV almost forgets why they’ve come. When their tour guide pauses on the rise and they suddenly feel they are viewing America as it was hundreds of years ago. They can see sixty-five miles in every direction, into Nebraska, Wyoming and as well as across the vast grasslands of South Dakota all around them.
Suddenly they see in front of them, the mustangs. At first there are just a few and then all at once there are hundreds of them. Blacks, bays, buckskins, paints, and dappled greys weathered veterans of the prairie. Heads up, nostrils flaring, they are curious and wary of the people who roll their windows down and stare at them in wonder.
For centuries this land had been a sacred spot for Native Americans because the Cheyenne River down below loops so vigorously through the short-grass plains that it flows, at different points, in all four directions. Native Americans traveled from all around to conduct ceremonies here. Hides were scrapped by the Petroglyphs close to the river and messages for other travelers were etched on the sandstone cliffs.
For a select few, the magic of the mustangs can be experienced. Always dependent on the weather conditions, your visit can be reserved. The fee is $350 per person. Our SUV holds 2-3 and the Van up to 5 people.
Directions: The Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary is located 13 miles south of Hot Springs, SD off Highway 71. Cross the Cheyenne River Bridge turn right on Rocky Ford Road and then right on Highland Road. It is about 3 miles from the paved road you will reach the Visitor’s Center for check-in for your tour.

Only a select few visitors can go out to see the horses by reservation only. The tours will start in May of 2025 weather permitting. The visits are with a guide in a SUV or van with a minimum of 2-5 people for three hours. Don't forget to bring your camera and snacks! The fee is $350 per person plus tax (age 18 and older only). Reservations and payment are required for all visits. The availability is based on weather and only Monday through Friday. Call 605-745-5955
Our Gift Shop is open Monday-Friday 9-4 call please call 605-745-5955 before you come. We are often out feeding horses and are not available. Thank you for your friendship and support of the beautiful wild horses!
Sorry, due to a change in our program we no longer take volunteers or rent out our cabins.