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Tahiyah is a Choctaw Indian Pony with pretty sorrel and white paint markings - can you see the heart shape on her side?  She was born in 2012 to proud Choctaw parents, Angel and Lakna.


LIMITED OFFER: We'll add our choice of a small stuffy to your purchase.


Each Children's Sponsorship includes a copy of the Emmy nominated children show, "Natures Adventures with Terri and Todd, at the Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary" 2 episodes on DVD.

  • Details

    The Mustang Friend Donation Program allows you to donate directly to the care of a wild horse that makes their home here. Your support will provide your mustang with hay, fresh water, energy cake, and salt, mineral, and wormer blocks. Your contributions will also provide any necessary farrier, dentist, and other vet care. 


    This sponsorship includes a photograph of your sponsor horse and a copy of the Emmy nominated children show, "Natures Adventures with Terri and Todd, at the Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary" 2 episodes on DVD.

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