Nature Adventures with Terri and Todd DVD - Back In Stock!
Nature Adventures with Terri and Todd (2) episode DVD
Emmy nominated children's series
Come along on a journey with Terri and Todd as they explore the Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary. Learn about the sanctuary’s rich beauty, fascinating history, and embrace stories of the sanctuary’s successes and struggles directly from the sanctuary's founder, Dayton O. Hyde.
Episode Descriptions:
A Day At The Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary (2011)
Terri and Todd visit the Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary where they learn about the history and beauty of the land on which the sanctuary lies, as well as introduce us to some of the creatures that call the Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary their ‘home’.
Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary Revisited (2012)
Terri and Todd revisit the Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary where they evaluate changes that one year has made. They talk with founder Dayton O. Hyde and other staff about challenges they are faced with and how important it is to respect our land. They also learn about special heritage breeds and rescue horses.
Produced by Nature Adventures, IRAM 2012
Running time: 1 hour
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