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Mustangs of the Month to Sponsor

U=Utterly irresistible! That’s what we think of when we see the big freeze brand ‘U’ on Mariah and Rioja, our mustangs of the month looking for sponsors. Mariah and Rioja came to the Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary together after living through harrowing tales of hardship. Now they’re free to run and loving their forever home. When you visit us, we think you’ll find Mariah and Rioja utterly irresistible too!


What does the 'U' on Mariah and Rioja mean?

All BLM sale eligible horses that are 11 years old and older and passed over three times for adoption are marked with a three inch "U" freezemark immediately to the right of their traditional BLM freezemark. Many people call term the "U" as "unwanted" and or a "three strikes horse." A horse is considered to have been to three or more adoptions when it has been offered for adoption at three separate adoption events (satellite or National internet adoption) and not successfully adopted. Mariah and Rioja are not unwanted! We love having the both of them! They are our poster mustangs for what really counts at the Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary: every mustang is worthy of being wanted.

Mariah's freezemark 'U' can't be missed. Have your tour guide point out Mariah when you come see the mustangs.

Wild Mustang, Spanish Mustang, Yellow Dun
Wild Mustang, Spanish Mustang, Yellow Dun
Rescued and Now at Home with New Friends
It didn't take long for Rioja and Mariah to fit right in and make new friends. Here Rioja, who likes hanging out with Nina asks, "Am I as pretty as you, Nina." You can bet Nina's reply is, "Yes! You are a most beautiful Red Roan."
Rioja and Mariah's Arrival at the Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary
Considering what both mustangs had been through, Rioja (in front) and Mariah weren't about to leave each other's side in their first days of freedom in 2012. They soon learned that they had been rescued!
Wild Mustang, Spanish Mustang, Yellow Dun
Wild Mustang, Spanish Mustang, Yellow Dun
Yup, New Friends in Their Forever Home
Mariah can frequently be seen with sweet Sierra. Mariah's harsh life has made her wary of two legged creatures, but she sure has picked the right friend to help her overcome her fears, because Sierra loves all two legged creatures.
Mariah, "The one with the camera? Can I trust him or should I run?"
Sierra, "He's a bit of the alright. You can trust him. He'll even scratch your ears."
Mariah, "Scratch my ears? I'm not ready for that!"
Wild Mustang, Spanish Mustang, Yellow Dun
Our two utterly irresistible Mustangs of the Month to Sponsor! Please help them to live in their forever home in peace and among friends.
Read about Susan Watt and Dayton O. Hyde's rescue of Mariah and Rioja.
Wild Mustang, Spanish Mustang, Yellow Dun
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Office Open: Monday-Friday: 9 am - 4 pm MTN

Gift Shop Open: Monday-Friday:  9 am - 4 pm MTN

Sanctuary Closed Saturday and Sunday 

605-745-5955 | CONTACT US​

Or if you prefer to mail your donations, our address is:


PO Box 998

Hot Springs SD 57747

Physical address is;

12163 Highland Road

Hot Springs, SD 57747

Thank you for supporting the horses with your sponsorships, donations and purchases through our gift

 Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary (BHWHS) is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization registered in the State of South Dakota.  Donations made to The Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary are tax deductible in the United States as allowed by law. Our Federal EIN number is 46-0401462.

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