Mustang of the Month to Sponsor
More precious than any gemstone, Jewel is our Mustang of the Month to Sponsor for January. Jewel's life almost ended at a slaughterhouse, but this beautiful buckskin mare happily was saved to live out her life at the Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary. She's a shy girl with the unbroken heart of the wild mustang that she is! Won't you please sponsor her?

From wild mustang to near slaughter
Jewel's first owner wanted to train Jewel into a horse suitable for riding, but Jewel's wild mustang heart made training extremely difficult. As a result, the owner sold Jewel to a horse trader friend. The promise of finding a good home for Jewel by the horse trader turned out to be a trip to the feedlot in Fallon, Nevada. Jewel was headed for slaughter!
A Pretty Buttermilk Buckskin
Jewel was rounded up at the Red Rock Herd Management area in northern California as a three year old mare. She was auctioned off and was moved to a northern California home by a Kiger breeder.

The Ark Watch Foundation to the Rescue!
Jewel owes her life to a caring person, Celine Myers, founder of Duchess Sanctuary and Ark Watch Foundation. Celine was notified by the National Equine Resource Council of Jewel's languishing in the kill lot. Not much time was left for Jewel and Celine Myers had to act quickly. With the help of many people Celine brought Jewel to her new home at the Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary in 2012.
Tremendous Joy!
Jewel was born to run! And you can bet that you've got a good chance of seeing her cantering on the acres of land at the Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary. Her wild mustang heart shows through in every run. Don't be surprised if she gallops away from your approach. She lives to run free and every gallop displays her love of freedom.

To many more years to come!
Jewel's happy ending and current wonderful life is possible because of your generosity to the Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary. Please help us make every year a great year for Jewel and bring many more great years in Jewel's life. Won't you please sponsor this beautiful wild mustang at heart?
How much effort does it take to save a wild mustang?
Every month as we write about our Mustang of the Month to sponsor, we believe it's all about the horses. But, without the help of many people, a wild mustang like Jewel would never have been saved from slaughter. Like you there are people who care passionately for the plight of the wild mustangs in the United States. In Jewel's case those caring people stepped forward. In Celine's words:
"A huge thank you to Susan Watt of the Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary for agreeing to provide Jewel with sanctuary. Thank you to Shirley Puga of the National Equine Resource Council for putting out the email alert about Jewel. Thank you to Deb Drake of the Humane Society of the United States for allowing Jewel to come to the Duchess Sanctuary while I worked on finding a more permanent solution for her. Many thanks to Jennifer Kunz, Duchess Sanctuary manager, for overseeing Jewel’s care during her stay at the Sanctuary. And thank you to Marlene Dodge, founder of Valley View Equine Rescue, for safely hauling Jewel throughout the process."
Isn't it wonderful for a wild mustang like Jewel? Isn't it wonderful for all of us who want to see wild mustangs running free?!!!