Mustang of the Month to Sponsor
Autumn is our Mustang of the Month to Sponsor for May. Her past before rescue was brutal and mean. Through the efforts of many people Autumn now runs free with her shy band of mustangs in the Boulder Fields at the Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary.

American Wild Mustang Sponsorship Kit contains:
History of the Horse
Bumper sticker
Informational brochures
History of the American Wild Mustang
Current year Mustang calendar
Registration card
Certificate of horse selected

A sweet mare in need of a helping hand:
Autumn is a shy mare, and you can't blame her if she runs from any person, because Autumn has endured more cruelty than any creature should. Her first owner was charged with animal abuse toward Autumn. Besides the abuse Autumn was used in the Mexican Rodeo (Charreadas) Tripping competition. The contestant with the fastest time bringing down (tripping) a running horse wins the event. Autumn was one of the horses time and time again tripped.
Saved by people who love horses!
Autumn was rescued in October 2011 by True Innocents Equine Rescue (T.I.E.R) Upon her arrival at TIER, she was rescued and rehabbed and then brought to her forever home at the Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary. Due to her past experience of being used in horse tripping, having the tips of her ears cut off, roughly handled, starved to the point of almost no return, Autumn will shy away from most people.

Autumn's life today:
Autumn has struggled back from an emaciated, abused horse into a beautiful mare at peace with the land and her friends at the Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary. You'll get glimpses of her in the Boulder Field area as she and her band graze and spend plenty of time galloping in the fields. But don't be surprised if she and her band turn tail and seek a safe distance from us two legged folk.
With friends living a grand life!
Autumn has bonded closely with her band in the Boulder Fields. She certainly will not let a human touch her, but oh her friends are special indeed! "Let me get that grit out of your eye," Elsa offers to Autumn. This camaraderie of Autumn and her friends has to be one of the more heartwarming sights to see, especially when one remembers Autumn's past. She now lives her life with gusto and joy.
Autumn has become a truly wild mustang running free.

Loving her forever home:
You can help Autumn continue her wonderful life by sponsoring her. For us she's a very special rescue! We hope you think so too!
Interested in reading more about horse tripping? Then please go to http://www.horsefund.org/horse-tripping-fact-sheet.php to find out what Autumn had to endure.