Meet our Curly Horse Herd!
Located in front of the Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary Visitor’s Center are the cutest, curliest, charming and colorful mustang greeters that you might ever meet! The four Curly horses' official job is to welcome visitors. Each of the members of this small herd of Curlys has origin in different parts of American History.
The Native Americans considered the Curlys to be special mounts for Medicine Men and Chief. Artwork from the Battle of the Little Big Horn shows warriors riding Curly Mustangs in the battle. Join us in celebration of this unique, friendly little horse whose beautiful curls and gentle ways will win your heart. Help us to support and promote this special mustang breed.
The Curly Mustangs here at the Sanctuary all came here to live and help to teach others about their place in History.
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Rosy is the youngest of the band with her red roan coat color, white star on her forehead and white appaloosa blanket on her hip. She loves to run and play with her friends. Because she is still a youngster Rosy is often seen napping in the sunshine. Her bloodline goes back to the wild mustangs.

Chestnut Curly filly, Cassidy, was Lakota’s first band member. Her dark coat of auburn curls and friendly brown eyes warm your heart as she comes up to say hello to the visitors. A lovely white blaze and muzzle and three white stockings are surrounded by her red curls. Her warm brown eyes invite you to come over and say hello. She can often be seen playing with her friends behind the Visitor's Center at the Sanctuary.