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Hoppers are back!
     The grit penetrates through shirts and jackets as 60 mph winds howl across the plains and roar down the canyons. Visibility drops to zero as dust fills the air, born on the wings of the wind.  
     The warm days of May and June hatched out the eggs and the grasshoppers have invaded, gorging themselves on the precious grasses that our horses rely on.
     This winter was the warmest on record with below average rainfall/snowfall amouts. So far this spring we have had very little rain. Now with the beginning of the hot days of summer with little hope of moisture, hay will need to be fed daily and the ranch staff will need to keep the irrigation going!
     Thanks to the Friends of the Sanctuary for their donations to the Irrigation Project

Your gifts have given us the funds to repair the existing irrigation system enhancing the natural water resources on the property that has water rights. Your support is greatly appreciated.

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 Help Feed the Wild Horses

100% of your funding goes for the hay, cake, and water supply for feeding the wild horse herds here at the Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary. 
     Your gifts provide a life of freedom by giving the unwanted mustangs a Forever Home.
      Thank you from the horses!


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The Institute of Range and the American Mustang (IRAM) was founded by Dayton O. Hyde in 1988 and is a 501 c 3 non-profit corporation registered in the state of South Dakota. IRAM owns thousands of acres of privately landed dedicated to the wild horses. 


The Federal tax number is 46-0401462.

IRAM's finest gift is the Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary whose purpose is to provide a forever home for unadoptable wild horses. 

Photo of Lakna's Liberty Choctaw Indian Pony


You will feel them before you hear them

You will hear them before you see them.


There on the horizon, stretch the sources of the thunder. Neither men nor machines nor the timeless rumblings of a prairie storm.


They are the wild mustangs, and they are home at last!

Sanctuary Founder Dayton O. Hyde
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